Thursday, April 1, 2010

BREAKING NEWS: Dr. Phil to join American Idol as Judge

According to A. D. Sloof, an entertainment reporter at a major entertainment magazine, Dr. Phil McGraw, who has a talk show syndicated by CBS Television, has signed on with American Idol to be the judge who will replace Simon Cowell.

According to a source Dr. Phil was chosen to replace Cowell because "he is blunt and can offer the contestants advice when they become emotional or when they can't handle the instant fame American Idol causes."

Dr. Phil, who is known for dealing with overweight people on his own show has already stated he intends to make comments about the size of the contestants on "American Idol." As for possibly working with talk show host Ellen DeGeneres on Idol, he stated that he looks forward to having group hugs before each episode, but he said viewers should not expect to see Ellen in his lap like she was in Simon's lap recently.

As to working with Randy Jackson, Dr. Phil has said he is going to have to understand Randy's lingo before they start shooting the audition episodes next season. Dr. Phil says he can't understand what Randy says nearly half of the time.

If you want to know more about this breaking news story, wait until April 2 for more details.

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