Friday, December 30, 2011

Final video of 2011 is now on my NATHANROADINWA YouTube Page

I want to let people know that my final video for the Second Season of my NATHANROADINWA YouTube Channel is now on my YouTube channel page. The video is entitled "Tech Confusion: Deleting YouTube Videos in 2012 on PCs and Other Devices Such as Internet Tablets".

In the video, I show how to delete videos in the upcoming year that are uploaded to your YouTube account. I show how to do it using the new YouTube page design that was recently introduced. I broke up the video into 3 parts. In the first part, I show how to delete a YouTube video using a Desktop or Laptop PC connected to the Internet. In the second part of the video, I show how to delete a YouTube video using a tablet such as newer Android tablets like the Archos Gen8 Tablet or an Amazon Kindle Fire Tablet. And in the last part of the video, I talk about trying to delete YouTube videos using other devices such as media players like the WDTV Live Plus.

I also want to mention that I have recently introduced a skill level system to some of my videos. I recommend them on whether they are for Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced level users. If I rate a video for Beginners or above, that means the video should be helpful to all users. If I rate it for Intermediate or above, that means the video should be helpful to the Intermediate and Advanced level users, but Beginners might have a hard time understanding and following those videos. And finally, if the video says it is recommended for Advanced users, that means you will have to be very careful if you are not yet an Advanced level user when performing things similar to what I show in my videos.

I am labeling this video for Beginners or above since this is a basic level task. The only danger here is accidentally deleting the wrong videos since YouTube deletes videos permanently when you mark a video for deletion.

A final note: Please rate this video and leave comments letting me know if you think this video is helpful or not and whether you think this skill level addition is a good idea. Also be sure to look for the other videos I have done on my NATHANROADINWA YouTube channel.

To see this and my other videos on my NATHANROADINWA Channel Page, --> CLICK HERE <--

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