Monday, December 12, 2011

It is finally official: My Coke Rewards extended for 2012!

Finally, the people in charge of My Coke Rewards has changed the official program rules to indicate that the program will run until AT LEAST the end of 2012. It would have been nice to get an e-mail confirmation of this from Coca-Cola. It would have also been nice had Coca-Cola let people know a little sooner instead of leaving us confused about whether the program was actually coming to an end. For example, I didn't know whether to enter as many points by the old ending date of November 30, 2011 since they never said anything about the extension until December of this year. If you had entered all your points right before December, you would lose out on the opportunity to get bonus points later on.

I just wish My Coke Rewards would be a little more vocal about their program's rules and dates. The only reason I found out myself that the program was extended throughout 2012 was by visiting their Rules page. Like I said above, it would be nice to confirm this with an e-mail and in addition with a large banner ad on the My Coke Rewards website pages to let members of this program know.

And I should also mention that there is still no change in the music download rewards. They are still offering the Napster downloads for 70 points a song which is rather high for a single song download and since Napster has now been absorbed by Rhapsody. Hopefully Coke will fix this problem and make it right by cutting the point value in half soon when it switches to Rhapsody any day now. But the My Coke Rewards program is slow to make changes so I wouldn't get your hopes up!

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