Friday, December 2, 2011

It looks like it is time for Western Digital and Flingo to quit their partnership

I decided to try out the Flingo service again on a Western Digital WDTV Live Plus media streamer since I haven't checked it out in several weeks or months.

Big mistake!

Flingo continues to disappoint. They only have like 3 or 4 video services that you can fling from. The only well known one is still YouTube as it has been forever with Flingo.

But now I can't even get YouTube videos to be flung to the WDTV Live Plus. All I get is a message telling you to try it on a page with only one video whatever that means.

For those not familiar with Flingo, here is how it works (or in this case how it is supposed to work): You drag a Flingo thing from their website and put it into your bookmarks on your browser. Then you go to the website of the video on your browser you want to fling or stream to your regular TV using the WDTV Live Plus and click on the bookmark entry labeled fling.

It is a great idea, if it actually had any real support!

I think it is about time for Western Digital to abandon the Flingo service and start adding real video services to the WDTV Live Plus and other WDTV machines such as Crackle and several other free video services.

Flingo is apparently never going to get the major media outlets to support them and will never be reliable enough to use on the WDTV in my opinion.

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