Monday, November 7, 2011

My video about Initiative 1183 is now on my YouTube Channel

I have just uploaded a new installment of my Confusing Olympia video series to my NATHANROADINWA YouTube Channel. It is called "Confusing Olympia: Initiative 1183 Deceptions".

This is my look at the claims made by the two opposing sides of Washington State Initiative 1183 which if passed would make hard liquor available for purchase at certain regular retail outlets instead of just the current state operated liquor stores. This is the Initiative that has gotten a lot attention here in Washington State this year since Costco has spent millions of dollars for the Yes side while many out-of-state liquor companies have spent thousands of dollars for the No side.

As with many past issues here in Washington State, both sides exaggerate their claims and I give my opinion on which way people should vote. However, you can choose to vote which ever way you want after watching my video.

Please feel free to rate or comment on this video and look for my other videos on my NATHANROADINWA YouTube Channel.

To see this video, --> CLICK HERE!!! <--

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