Saturday, November 5, 2011

How long does a Memorex DVD Case last? My newest YouTube video gives a very surprising answer

Well I have just uploaded my 28th video review in my "Honest Video Review" video series to YouTube.

This video provides the answer to the above question in the title of this blog entry. I will give you a hint: if you think these cases will last hundreds of years, you are way, way off.

As you will see as you watch this video, Memorex DVD cases have major defects in them and should be completely avoided. I am telling people to stay away from buying the Memorex DVD cases like the ones in the video, and after you watch it I am sure 90% of the viewers would agree with me. These cases were literally falling apart as I was recording the review for these cases.

I want to make clear though that I am not telling people to avoid all Memorex products. They do make many good quality products. Unfortunately, these DVD cases like the ones with the design shown in this video are nowhere even close to their usual good quality levels.

I am just glad I didn't purchase more than two 10 packs of these cases. 20 DVD cases falling apart in a rather short time period is still 20 too many to add to our garbage dumps.

To see this rather surprising video, --> CLICK HERE!! <--

And please let me know what you think about my video reviews by commenting on them and by rating them. And look for the other videos I have done on my NATHANROADINWA YouTube channel while you are at my YouTube NATHANROADINWA channel.

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