Monday, May 10, 2010

What NBC should do this Fall

I had an awful Mother's Day Weekend, but I decided not to blog about it today. Maybe I will in the near future.

For now I want to talk about what 4th place NBC should do starting this Fall.

Let me point out their current strengths (The things they should leave alone):

Sunday Night Football in the Fall

Biggest Loser on for 2 Hours on Tuesday starting at 8PM

The Office on Thursdays (Poor ratings compared to the other networks but still a "strong" anchor for NBC's Thursday Comedy Block)

Dateline NBC for 2 Hours on Fridays starting at 8PM (Not great ratings for a weekly series but good ratings for a series on low rated Fridays.)

And that is about it!

Here is what NBC should do for each day of the week:

Sunday: Reduce Celebrity Apprentice down to one hour next season and put a new show or two in the other hours.

Monday: This is the night NBC could really improve on if they do the following. Do not bring back Heroes! Bring Chuck back mid-season for a small episode order to finish it up. Do not bring back Law & Order either! NBC will likely bring it back for one final season to beat the old Gunsmoke record. Nobody cares other than Dick Wolf & NBC whether it beats Gunsmoke's 20 season record. The advertisers are going to regret paying for ad time on another season of Law & Order when they see the ratings continuing to be around the 5 million range which is about what it does in repeats meaning nobody thinks of this show as must see TV anymore.

Tuesday: One of the nights NBC should actually leave as is.

Wednesday: Should be all new shows on this night.

Thursday: NBC should cancel the lowest rated comedy or maybe even two of them. Then move Law & Order: SVU to Thursdays at 10PM. It would be a risky move, but you got to put a better show on a more watched night to get ratings. Wednesday is not the night to put a buzz worthy show on the schedule in at least the 8PM hour as ratings results have clearly shown in the past season.

Friday: Another one of the nights NBC should actually leave as is.

Saturday: NBC has to stick with repeats here since they are in such bad shape.

But when Winter comes, NBC ought to consider playing around with their Tuesday & Wednesday schedules as Idol will likely be weaker in the ratings next year and should give NBC new opportunities on those nights to pick up viewers.

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