Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sinatra Perfomance Show on American Idol Report

Last week Siobhan Magnus got the fewest number of votes and was eliminated instead of Lee DeWyze who I thought was in danger of going home last week, and I have been a big fan of his since the Top 24 performance episodes. Apparently people finally got tired of Siobhan screaming at the end of nearly every performance which made me think like she was a one trick pony.

This week was Frank Sinatra songs. I really enjoy some of Sinatra's lesser known songs.

I thought the judging this week was quite off on several contestants. I rarely agreed this week with what the judges had to say about the contestants.

Aaron: I thought he was way too old-fashioned for his performance based on the song choice and the clothing he had on. He just did not feel like a big star when he performed "Fly Me to the Moon" in my opinion. I thought the judges were being way too nice to him based on their comments.

Casey: I actually thought he was better than Aaron, but yet the judges seemed to be critical of his performance unlike the comments Aaron got.

Crystal: I thought she actually picked a good song "Summer Wind" which isn't a song that is usually picked in singing competitions for Sinatra songs. Kara made a good comment about how Crystal said the lines which is one of the very few times I agreed with her this week. In my honest opinion, I think Crystal actually did the best making this week's song sound contemporary, even better than Lee and I am a big Lee fan and not so much a Crystal fan!

Michael: I thought he was good, but not as good as the judges thought he was. I thought his performance was maybe a 7 out of 10 at best.

Lee: He was good and picked another good underused Sinatra song "That's Life", but with me being a big Sinatra fan, I actually thought that he didn't say the lyrics "That's Life" with the authority and expression that Frank Sinatra did it with. But he was still good even though I thought it wasn't his best.

Now I am sure Lee and Crystal will be safe. So the bottom 3 will definitely be Michael, Casey, and Aaron. I think Big Mike will be sent to safety first and will move on to next week.

Now I am torn on whether Casey or Aaron will leave Wednesday night. Casey is who everyone thinks is going to be eliminated tonight, and remember Aaron wasn't even in the bottom 3 last week.

However, I believe Tim Urban & Siobhan Magnus were not even in the bottom 3 the week before they left.

Therefore, I am going to lean towards Aaron going home, because I think America will feel sorry for Casey, and I think most of the Idol viewers are going to see Aaron as being too old fashioned like I did and vote for one of the other contestants this week instead of voting for Aaron again like they did last week.

Here is my revised order of how I think the Final 5 will finish since Siobhan who I had in 4th Place was eliminated instead of Aaron:

5th Place - Aaron Kelly
4th Place - Casey James
3rd Place - Michael Lynche
2nd Place - Crystal Bowersox
1st Place - Lee DeWyze

We shall see tonight if my pick Aaron does go, or if Casey the obvious choice goes instead. So stayed tuned!!

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