Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Still waiting for the Fred Meyer Savings Certificate

Well what I was afraid of is coming true. Fred Meyer continues to disappoint me with their daily ads this final week before Christmas. Every day's ad this week is a repeat of the coupons for 15% off apparel and 10% off home departments which were available in the Sunday ad and are not the kind of coupons I want to use. So there were hardly any daily deals to be had this week.

All of the ads through Christmas Eve are now available online. Unfortunately the Savings Certificate is featured in none of them which is a major disappointment. I am now going to have to likely do my Christmas shopping at other stores this year which puts me in worse shape than I already was. So much for Fred Meyer being my One Stop shopping place this year.

But I am still going to wait until the 24th just in case Fred Meyer does put in one of their Savings Certificates in the newspaper. But this means I may not get any Christmas shopping done this year. But there will always be next year to do Christmas shopping should I fail to get it done this year.

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