Thursday, December 2, 2010

A look back at this year's blog

I know I am not posting as often as I should, but that is out of my control at the moment. But I thought I would mention that if you enjoy this blog, it is totally amazing how much I have put together in terms of blog postings and videos this year. I did just about all of the video parts by myself without any help. Even the theme music in all of my videos thus far which are rather short tunes were completely composed by me. I am not paid or given free samples of stuff for my reviews, so I have a very limited budget unlike many other reviewers and bloggers on the Internet.

So now with no helpers and limited resources, I have to determine which projects I will pursue for future blog entries and videos. It is sad that I know a lot of blog entries and videos that would have happened will likely be scrapped now, but I know there are some really good opportunities ahead for this blog and my YouTube page. So stay tuned for my future blog entries and YouTube Videos. If you find this blog enjoyable or informative, there should be some more good stuff in the coming months.

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