Wednesday, December 22, 2010

FOX's "Million Dollar Money Drop" is actually correct on answer

It has come out just hours ago that FOX's "Million Dollar Money Drop" had the wrong answer on Monday's episode where the couple lost most of their remaining money. This could be bad news for FOX since the last quiz show they tried never even aired because of questions over how legitimate the outcome was.

The question was which was sold first: Mac Computers, Post-It notes, or Sony Walkmans. The answer revealed on the show was the Sony Walkman. But then information on Post-Its was found that make it seem like it was actually the right answer.

Well I have looked into it. This is becoming an open and shut case. The show is correct. The following are the reasons why:

1. The show referred to which was sold first, not which was invented first.

2. 3M did sell something similar to the Post-Its prior to the sale of Walkmans, but they were called Press & Peel instead of Post-Its.

3. Since the answer specifically had the words Post-It, the earlier date should not count. That would be like saying the Apple Macintosh computer was sold first because Apple II computers were sold in the late 1970s and that was the predecessor to the Macintosh computers. But the choice on the show referred to the answer specifically as "Macintosh Computer." Since the name Post-It was specifically used as the answer choice, the product's predecessor called Press & Peel should also not count meaning that the name Post-Its was used to sell them only from 1980 and later which was after the Sony Walkman was first sold in the late 1970s.

4. 3M even refers to 1980 as the official start of the sale of their Post-It notes on their company's website which anyone could have looked up and remembered prior to being a contestant on this game show.

So case closed. No need to offer this couple a second chance on the show or any more prize money here. This is just a case of bad luck for that couple and a reminder that this show has some gambling element to it. Just thought I would clear this up since this is a good show and several people and media outlets are misrepresenting the facts that Post-Its were sold before Sony Walkmans.

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