Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My review of the GNW Brand Men's Leather Belt is now on my NATHANROADINWA YouTube Channel

I have recently uploaded another edition of my Honest Video Review series on my NATHANROADINWA YouTube Channel. It is a video review for a Men's leather belt made for Fred Meyer's GNW brand. I bought this belt to replace my Dockers leather belt which I previously did a video review of last year and was rather disappointed with.

I also want to mention that I am premiering my "improved" version of my Video Review Opening Theme song with this video review. The improved version is the one I created using the Magix Music Maker 17 software which I recently reviewed for this same series of video reviews on my NATHANROADINWA Channel on YouTube.

As always, let me know what you think about my video reviews by both commenting on them and rating them, and look for the other videos I have done on my NATHANROADINWA YouTube channel too such as the video reviews of the above mentioned Dockers leather belt and the Music Maker 17 software.

To see these videos, ---> CLICK HERE!!! <--- and look under the uploads section of my Channel page located at the top right corner and scroll down to the "Load more" button at the bottom of the uploads section and click the "Load more" button if you can't find the video you are looking for.

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