Wednesday, March 31, 2010

American Idol Report for the Tuesday March 30, 2010 episode

Well last week I said I was going out on a limb and predicting Andrew Garcia to not only be in the bottom 3, but I also predicted he would be going home. I was especially feeling comfortable with my bottom 3 picks since the week before I was absolutely 100% correct.

So if you watched Idol last Wednesday night, I was humbled when Andrew not only did not go home but actually managed to avoid the bottom 3 as well. After I watched his performance last night he did what I believe is his first good performance on Idol since the voting episodes began this season. I don't feel he is in danger or should be in danger this week. However, I felt his good week this week is still not what I would consider a memorable American Idol performance worthy enough to win American Idol.

Last week I told Andrew Garcia fans not to vote for him again this week if he should get through to this week, but I only meant that if he continued to have these bad performances. Since he had a good performance this week feel free to vote for him. I don't want to influence people's voting on Idol unless it is becoming painfully clear someone needs to stay or go and American Idol voters seem to be leaning in the wrong direction with that contestant.

So briefly I will mention the other 9 contestants.

Michael Lynche, Crystal Bowersox, Casey James: Should be all safe this week with little danger of being in the bottom 3 this week.

Lee DeWyze: He was excellent last night after last week's somewhat disappointing performance. I like him the best out of this season's contestants, so I may be a little biased on him. Should be safe this week as well. If he is in the bottom 3 this week after that performance last night they might as well end the show as that would suggest that Idol is purely becoming a popularity contest.

Katie Stevens & Siobhan Magnus: Siobhan has been getting a lot of negative comments about her performance last night but I think she will avoid the bottom 3 for this week along with Katie who was in the bottom 3 last week.

So my bottom 3 this week are:

Aaron Kelly who came off with a cold performance in my opinion. He sang a song that has been sung better several times in the past and he looked like he was angry when he was singing it even though the song is not a song about anger.

Tim Urban will likely be in the bottom 3 for the 3rd week in a row and will probably set a new Idol record for the most times in the bottom 3 without going home.

And the contestant who I think should go home and will go home is Didi Benami. The song was flat for most of the song. It sounded like something you would hear at the store. At the end she started to do some things with the song, but the song became like a Broadway type performance and I don't think Idol viewers will vote for that kind of performance.

So after just 3 weeks of the Top 12, Idol will have lost half of the women in the Top 12 it would appear. Ironic since they were calling this the strongest group of women they have had in some time.

Soon American Idol will be Crystal Bowersox verus the Top 6 Men show!

Monday, March 29, 2010

5 Days a Week Mail Service Likely the Beginning of the End

I am tired of hearing year after year the US Postal Service planning to cut Saturday mail service. But this time there seems to be the momentum to actually make it happen, and the Democrats in D.C. have proven they can pass a bill without any Republicans voting for it.

I was watching a TV show recently about a restaurant that was closed more often than it was open. They brought in an expert in the restaurant industry to help out their struggling restaurant. The expert made the comment that if they are closed more often then they are open, then people will start believing the restaurant is closing or has closed down permanently.

Doing mail delivery 5 days instead of 6 doesn't sound that bad for a cut of services, but consider the following scenarios.

A High School student waiting to get an acceptance letter may now have to wait until Monday instead of Saturday leaving their acceptance into the college a mystery for a couple of more days.

A newspaper who does mail delivery only (which is the case in some parts of Washington State) will have to deliver their Saturday editions 2 days late or else do away with their Saturday editions. This could lead to more newspaper subscription cancellations as many people don't want to wait an extra 2 days for their Saturday newspaper.

People who want to send much needed items to a person overseas such as those who help protect our country will now have to wait another 2 days for delivery.

So the bottom line is this talk of 5 days a week mail needs to end now. This country still needs 6 days a week mail service. President Obama and Congress needs to start funding the Postal Service so we can debate "real" issues and not the ones like this that shouldn't be an issue.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My American Idol Report for the Tues. March 23, 2010 episode

Sorry if you are still waiting for non-American Idol posts. I will eventually get back to posts about other topics.

Last week I was 100% correct on my predictions for the bottom 3 AND the person who would get the lowest number of votes on Idol last week.

This week I will be going out on a limb, so I don't expect to be 100% correct 2 weeks in a row.

Crystal Bowersox, Michael Lynche: Still about 0% chance of either going home and very little chance of being in the bottom 3. Anyone notice that even though they were not the first and last contestants this week, but performed one right after the other in about the middle of the show? Could getting ratings at 9PM be the reason?

Aaron Kelly, Sioban Magnus: Unlikely to be in this week's bottom 3 in my opinion.

Lee Dwyze: He has been my favorite contestant this season so far, but he was not as good as he could have been this week in my opinion. However, I feel there are too many performances that were still weaker than his that he should be safe this week.

Didi Benami, Casey James, and Katie Stevens: Unlikely to go home this week, but one of them could land in the bottom 3 if my pick to leave Idol tonight doesn't happen.

My picks for the bottom 3 this week are:

Tim Urban because of the poor song choice, and because it came off as a "fun and goofy" type performance rather than a contender type performance.

Paige Miles, who most people think will go home this week, but not me. I thought her performance was poor, but I believe she may get some votes that would have went to Lacey Brown who exited last week. Plus she may get sympathy votes for the bad comments she got from the judges last night.

So my final pick and the pick I feel will go home this week is ANDREW GARCIA! Sorry Andrew, but you should have been out a week or two ago. It is his time after that lousy performance of Marvin Gaye's "Heard it Through the Grapevine." It was the wrong song choice, and even though he picked it he still did a lot worse than we know he is capable of doing with a song like that. He did nothing original with the song in my opinion. At least Paige sort of has an excuse with her voice condition. And I didn't like the dancing in the middle of his performance.

Andrew has a following from my understanding, but some of his biggest fans had to be cringing after seeing that lousy performance. If Andrew somehow makes it to next week, please stop voting for him. American Idol's pressure is getting to be too much for Andrew in my opinion.

I am keeping the Top 6 from last week's post as my Top 6. So no new Top 6 list this time.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My American Idol Report for the Tues. March 16, 2010 episode

Last night the Top 12 performed. But first I need to bring up Ellen again. Why is she even a judge? Besides the fact that she offers little if any useful criticism, she is a talk show HOST, not a JUDGE. She should be a replacement for Ryan Seacrest not Paula Abdul. And since Seacrest has no intentions of leaving Idol as far as I am aware of and with the show doing perfectly fine without Brian Dunkleman since he left Idol at the end of Season One, there is no reason for Ellen Degeneres to be on American Idol.

Enough about Ellen. Once again America got it wrong again by not voting for Lily Scott. So once again I have to update my Top 6 list at the end of this post.

Michael Lynche and Crystal Bowersox: I think I am going to start refering to these 2 as "Beginning and End" because of how often these 2 show up as the first or last performer of the episode. We know they are good and have generated a lot of positive comments from many major critics of the show. But enough is enough with these 2 showing up as the first or last singer of the night which are the most advantageous spots of the show if you are a contestant on Idol.

Didi Benami, Lee Dwyze, Aaron Kelly, Siobhan Magnus: These singers were good enough that they are in little danger of going home tonight.

Katie Stevens, Casey James, & Andrew Garcia: Might be in the bottom 3 tonight, but I doubt any of these 3 will go home.

My prediction for the bottom 3 this week are Tim Urban, Lacey Brown, and Paige Miles.

Tim Urban will be in the bottom 3 because of the judges' comments about his performance.

Paige Miles will be in the bottom 3 because of her voice condition.

Lacey Brown will be in the bottom 3 and eliminated because the performance felt like a swan song type performance and you are not going to win with those kind of performances in a show based on getting people to vote for you, especially during the Rolling Stones theme week on American Idol.

So my updated Top 6 list is now (in no particular order):

Michael Lynche
Casey James
Siobhan Magnus (Just added her to top 6 to replace Lily Scott)
Lee Dwyze
Tim Urban
& Crystal Bowersox

OK, I lied above about the order this time. I purposely put Michael Lynche and Crystal Bowersox first and last just to kind of help make my point about them being used too frequently on the show as the first and last performer on the show. Let's hope they are not used in those positions again on the show this season.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

American Idol Report for Tues. & Wed. 3/9 and 3/10 episodes

Since I just finished watching the guys performances just a few minutes ago, I am combining this week's report for the boys and girls this week.

Some of my general observations:

Ellen continues to be a lackluster judge on the show that adds little to the show. The whole Ellen in Simon's lap thing was just totally uncomfortable and unnecessary in my opinion.

The boys were better than the girls this week. Remember last week I said the girls were better but not by much and that was with the advantage of being on a day later and the boys being on a day earlier. So the quality of the girl singers this year continues to not live up to the hype that has come out of the judges' mouths.

At the end of this blog post, I will post my new Top 6 since Michelle Delamor went home even though I didn't think she deserved to go home.

Now on to the singers:

Michael Lynche, Crystal Bowersox: They gave good perfomances this week which I don't dispute that fact. The problem I have with these 2 contestants is that they seem like they have gotten some "unfair advantages" over some other contestants and they shouldn't need these "unfair advantages" to advance on Idol if they are that good. If either of these 2 win the season I think I would feel their Idol victory was tainted. That is why I predict neither of these 2 early favorites will go all the way.

Paige Miles: Last week I thought this girl could go all the way along with Michelle Delamor who got eliminated last week. But I believe even though she was good she made some mistakes and will probably go home early (like tonight).

Lee Dwyze, Tim Urban, & Casey James: Should all make it into the Top 12 this year. They were all good this week.

Lily Scott, Siobhan Magnus & Katie Stevens: Probably not as good this week as they could have been, but will likely make the Top 12 this year.

Aaron Kelly: Again not very good this week but will likely make the Top 12 anyways.

Lacey Brown, Didi Benami, & Katelyn Epperly: Any one or 2 of these 3 girls could be going home tonight and the one or ones who survives and makes the Top 12 will unlikely make the Top 6.

Andrew Garcia, Todrick Hall, & Alex Lambert: Any 2 of these 3 guys will probably go home tonight. Alex Lambert looked stiff up there performing this week. Andrew Garcia's "Genie in a Bottle" was awful in my opinion. Todrick Hall is the least likely to go home of those 3 if the Broadway people watch Idol and vote for him. But if Andrew Garcia is eliminated tonight, I wouldn't be surprised to see a "Top 13" or "Wild Card" twist this year because of the potential this guy has if he could just get the right song choice one time.

So here is my new Idol Top 6 Prediction (in no particular order):

Michael Lynche
Lee Dwyze
Lily Scott
Casey James

and I am going to add 2 new ones to my Top 6 list this time:

Crystal Bowersox
& Tim Urban

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My American Idol Report for Wed. March 3, 2010 Episode

Overall the women did better than the guys. But as far as the comments about this group of women being really good this year I would disagree with those comments. Ellen still has not done or said anything to keep herself around as a judge again next season.

My thoughts on the girls:

Crystal Bowersox: Again we have 4 judges on the very first singer of the night say really good things about this person like they did the previous night on Mike Lynche's performance. And once again I disagree with the comments of the 4 judges. I don't think Crystal is as good as she OR the Idol judges said she was.

Haeley Vaughn, Lacey Brown, Didi Benami: Might be going home this week. Unlikely they will make it to the Top 12 this year.

Katie Stevens: She in my opinion is actually better than what the Judges seem to think of her. Probably makes Top 12, but will not make it to Top 6 in my opinion.

Michelle Delamor, Lily Scott, and Paige Miles: Any one of these 3 girls could go all of the way and win this year.

Katelyn Epperly & Siobhan Magnus: Will probably make Top 12 this year, but like Katie Stevens above, will probably not make the Top 6 this year.

So my prediction for the Top 6 this year on Idol currently is (in no particular order):

Casey James
Lee Dwyze
Paige Miles
Lily Scott
Michelle Delamor
& Michael Lynche

Again these are just predictions. So keep watching. I am probably going to be way off, but you never can tell!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My American Idol Tuesday March 2, 2010 Report

Things are starting to get interesting on Idol now, but unfortunately for the wrong reasons.

New judge Ellen Degeneres continues to add little if anything to the program. They waste time with a 4th judge who has no really useful advice to offer that the other 3 judges can't offer already. I think this is going to take a toll on the ratings for Idol eventually.

Here are my quick opinions on the guys so far:

Michael Lynche: He is not as good as he OR the 4 American Idol Judges think he is. The song he did this week has too many long pauses at the beginning that turned me off. It appears the Idol Judges/Producers want him into the Top 12 badly because he is one of the few contestants this year that looks like a pro on the stage. He probably makes the Top 12 this year but winds up around 4th-7th place this year.

John Park, Alex Lambert, Todrick Hall, Jermaine Sellers: Not looking like they are going to be in the Top 12 this year. Their odds are all poor of making the Top 12 at this point.

Casey James: Kind of a Dark Horse. Probably makes the Top 12 and probably winds up in the Top 4.

Andrew Garcia: Wouldn't be a bit surprised if he actually gets cut before the Top 12. I also wouldn't be surprised if he is saved with another Top 13 Twist like last year.

Aaron Kelly: Probably makes it to Top 12 only because of his age and likability. If he does make it to Top 12, he will probably be one of the first guys to go.

Tim Urban: Probably makes it to Top 12 and might make it to around 5th place overall this year, but there is a very slim chance he could come out the winner if he improves a lot which is possible.

Lee Dewyze: If he doesn't make it to the Top 12, they might as well cancel this Idol competition right now. He IS the front runner right now. Simon is 100% correct about him, while the other 3 judges seem to be criticizing him just so the other contestants don't look as bad.

The only guys in my opinion who seem to have American Idol winning performances this season so far are Lee Dewyze and Casey James. It is no wonder they aren't hyping this season's guys as the most talented they ever had because that they are definitely not.