Wednesday, June 15, 2011

NATHANROADINWA YouTube Channel videos hits 20,000 Views Milestone

Just want to let my followers of my blog and YouTube channel know that when you combine the views from all of my videos that I have made so far and have uploaded to my NATHANROADINWA YouTube Channel, that they total over 20,000 views now. It was only like 4 months ago when I reached around 10,000 views. And I now have a half dozen videos with over 1,000 views each.

I am now only one month away from my first anniversary on YouTube. Thank you to all of you who have viewed and contributed comments, suggestions, or ratings over these past 11 months. And please continue to post comments, questions, suggestions, criticisms, etc. about my videos. It might just help my videos be better in the future, and you might be helping out other viewers who have similar problems or questions in the process.

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