Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fred Meyer 24/7 online store appears to be no more!!

Bad news. There currently appears to be no sign of the Fred Meyer 24/7 online store which sold CDs, DVDs, and video games online. This means I won't be doing my online shopping with Fred Meyer anytime soon since that was their main online store.

If anyone knows if or when Kroger or Fred Meyer will try online retailing again, please let us know!

Monday, June 27, 2011

My review of the I/OMagic Model IDVD8PB External DVD-RW Drive is now on YouTube

I have recently uploaded another video review to YouTube. This time it is a video review of the I/OMagic Model Number IDVD8PB USB 2.0 Portable 8X DVD-RW External Drive. I purchased this external DVD Burner as a second DVD drive under my Windows Operating System environment to burn DVD discs in. Even though I purchased it to burn DVD discs, this drive can also be used to play various DVD and CD formats such as DVD Video, DVD+RW, DVD-RW, CD-R, and CD-RW discs. There are a few DVD formats such as LightScribe DVD discs and DVD-RAM discs that this drive doesn't support though.

Please feel free to leave comments and/or suggestions. And please rate my videos on YouTube if you are able to.

To see this video, please --> CLICK HERE!! <--

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Review of the OSN Digital DK2000 Kit has been uploaded to my YouTube channel

I have recently uploaded onto my YouTube NATHANROADINWA Channel my video review of the OSN Digital DK2000 LCD Universal Screen Protector Kit, which also happens to be the 22nd edition of my Honest Video Review series.

I bought this to protect various electronic screens such as the types found on small electronics such as cameras, cell phones, tablets, MP3 Players, etc. I bought this on clearance at a Fred Meyer retail store, and I do not know exactly where one can buy this item now. But I thought I would still do a video review of this product since I felt it would be still informative to people who want to protect their device's screens from being scratched or damaged.

In the video I show how to size the clear protector film to different devices such as a Sylvania SMPK2083 MP3 Player, an Archos 32 Internet Tablet, and a Samsung P3 Player.

So -->click here<-- to go to my YouTube Channel page and watch this video.

And please leave comments and rate the video while you are there. The more ratings I get, the more helpful the search results will be in YouTube.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

NATHANROADINWA YouTube Channel videos hits 20,000 Views Milestone

Just want to let my followers of my blog and YouTube channel know that when you combine the views from all of my videos that I have made so far and have uploaded to my NATHANROADINWA YouTube Channel, that they total over 20,000 views now. It was only like 4 months ago when I reached around 10,000 views. And I now have a half dozen videos with over 1,000 views each.

I am now only one month away from my first anniversary on YouTube. Thank you to all of you who have viewed and contributed comments, suggestions, or ratings over these past 11 months. And please continue to post comments, questions, suggestions, criticisms, etc. about my videos. It might just help my videos be better in the future, and you might be helping out other viewers who have similar problems or questions in the process.

Friday, June 10, 2011

My Video Review of the Memorex CD & DVD LabelMaker Essentials Kit is currently on YouTube

It has been quite a while since I have posted anything in this blog. This is mostly because I have been busy visiting with family members and working outdoors.

I have yet to mention in this blog about my latest YouTube video review which I uploaded last month. It is a video review of the Memorex CD & DVD LabelMaker Essentials Kit.

This product is a label applicator kit that I recently purchased in order to make labels to put on some of my CD and DVD discs.

Please rate and let me know what you think about this review and look for the other reviews and videos I have uploaded onto my NATHANROADINWA YouTube channel.

And if you are going to rate the videos, please watch the video all the way through. The reason I am bringing this up is that I have had a lot of comments about the intro music being horrible. I don't want people to give a thumbs down only after watching the intro part of my video just because they don't like the intro music as an example. If you like the video, but you do not the intro music please leave a comment instead. That way I can more accurately tell which videos are helpful and which ones are not at least until YouTube can allow users to rate individual parts of the video such as the music separately. If anyone at YouTube is reading this, being able to rate separate parts of the video such as music would be very helpful in the future.

To see my latest videos such as the LabelMaker one mentioned above, --> click here <--