Saturday, August 7, 2010

Another Tech Confusion video has been uploaded to YouTube

I uploaded last night my third edition of the "Tech Confusion" series on YouTube. It is called "Tech Confusion: Converting video files to the Samsung P3 using EmoDio or Roxio Creator 2010". The link to my YouTube page is .

This video shows how to copy a video file to the Samsung P3 player that needs to be converted to another video format before it will play on the Samsung P3 using either the EmoDio software or Roxio Creator software.

The bad news was it took a little over 2 hours to upload. But the good news is that the Internet connection I had actually stayed up last night as it uploaded. The prior 5 days the Internet connection at my place was down for 3 or more hours a day.

Please rate the video or comment on my YouTube pages or here if you prefer.

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