Thursday, August 26, 2010

Potential good news for ABC and NBC while not so good news for CBS and FOX

Recently I uploaded my Fall 2010 Preview videos to my YouTube channel, NATHANROADINWA, where I gave my analysis of NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX's upcoming fall schedules.

As of the time I am writing this which is Thursday evening Aug. 26, the ABC video now has the most views at 105 views. The NBC video has been the second most viewed video at 94 views. The CBS video is a distant third at 39 views. The FOX video is dead last at only 15 views. All 4 videos were uploaded within a few days of each other so the large difference is not because the NBC and ABC videos were uploaded much earlier than the CBS and FOX ones. It is a slight possibility that YouTube has presented the NBC and ABC ones more often under their recommendations of videos to watch after watching a certain video, but I feel that is highly unlikely.

If these views are a good measurement of what people are interested in watching this fall, ABC and NBC should be in great shape. It also doesn't bode well for the FOX network which has only 3 new shows on its Fall 2010 lineup. It suggests that the 2 new comedies are likely going to be canceled quickly if people aren't interested in their fall lineup. Even though the CBS preview video was not as watched as much as the NBC or ABC videos, I think CBS still have good shots at some of their shows such as the new Hawaii Five-0 and Bluebloods which could very well fit their typical crime drama lineup.

I just thought the results were quite interesting. We shall see which network really does pick up viewers this Fall which is less than a month away now!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Still around despite the Internet outages!

Just want to let you people reading this know that I am still around since the Internet was down late last night and when I woke up around 7AM, it was still down!

Then by noon it was still down. But it was back up by around 1PM this afternoon. I just wish I knew why the Internet connection at my house goes down so often. It goes down almost every day. 3 hours (or sometimes even more hours) of Internet connection downtime seems to be a normal everyday occurrence these days.

Does anyone else have this problem? If so let me know. I am going to try to get on here when I can because I will have a more hectic work schedule soon.

Friday, August 20, 2010

My Honest Video Review of WD My Passport Essential SE 750 GB Portable Hard Drive now uploaded on YouTube

I have just uploaded my latest video review to my YouTube channel which is of the Western Digital My Passport Essential SE 750 GB Portable Hard Drive.

It is located at and please leave comments and/or suggestions and those with YouTube accounts can rate the video too.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Deadly fire in Zillah, WA and more Network Preview videos uploaded

I want to briefly mention that the Fall 2010 Network Preview videos I made for CBS, ABC, and FOX are now all uploaded to my YouTube page at

Now on a very sad note, 3 Washington State Patrol employees from Zillah, WA which is near where I grew up died very early this morning in a house fire. Someone I told the news was surprised that they weren't alerted by a smoke alarm. It would be hard to believe that the house of 3 WSP employees didn't have a working smoke alarm. So it will be interesting to find out if this is a case of arson in the coming days.

This is the largest loss of life in the history of the WSP according to one news report.

What is weird about this news is that I was stopped by a young WSP male trooper about a week ago for having a brake light out and he looked like the photo released of the youngest victim of the fire. The place where I was stopped by the WSP trooper was only about 10 miles away from Zillah, WA so it could have been the same guy who died in the fire this morning. I probably will never know if it was the same guy who died in the fire, but if it was it is really a shame because he was very understanding when he stopped me.

If I find out that it was the same trooper who stopped me last week, I will let everyone know.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My NBC 2010 Fall Preview video has been uploaded to my YouTube page

I have uploaded another video to YouTube. This time it is called "Fall 2010 Network Preview: NBC", and it is my analysis of the NBC schedule starting this fall. You can find it at my YouTube page at

I will try to do as many of the major broadcast networks as I can. The next one I am planning on doing will cover CBS's Fall 2010 Schedule.

Feel free to leave comments or suggestions about the video on one of my YouTube pages or here in this blog if you prefer. And don't forget to rate them on YouTube if you have a YouTube account.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Another Tech Confusion video has been uploaded to YouTube

I uploaded last night my third edition of the "Tech Confusion" series on YouTube. It is called "Tech Confusion: Converting video files to the Samsung P3 using EmoDio or Roxio Creator 2010". The link to my YouTube page is .

This video shows how to copy a video file to the Samsung P3 player that needs to be converted to another video format before it will play on the Samsung P3 using either the EmoDio software or Roxio Creator software.

The bad news was it took a little over 2 hours to upload. But the good news is that the Internet connection I had actually stayed up last night as it uploaded. The prior 5 days the Internet connection at my place was down for 3 or more hours a day.

Please rate the video or comment on my YouTube pages or here if you prefer.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New "YouTube Special" video now on my YouTube page!

I have uploaded a new video to YouTube called "YouTube Special: Now being able to upload 15 minute videos!" to my YouTube page at I had a very hard time uploading this video since the internet at my place was down for at least 3 hours everyday for the first 3 days of August. Hopefully this Internet company I am using will get their connection problems fixed.

Let me know here or on my YouTube pages what you think of my new video. In the video, I am discussing how the YouTube service now allows 15 minute uploads which would have been helpful last month when I joined YouTube and had to split my Philco Converter Box review into 2 parts because it was a little over 11 minutes long and YouTube had only a 10 minute upload limit at that time.