Friday, January 6, 2012

Possibly some good news about the AMAZON.COM App Store!

In my video review that I did last year for the Amazon Kindle Fire Tablet, I mentioned that a credit card WAS required to download even the free apps on their Apps Store. Well this morning I decided to try once again to verify that this was still the case. I tried to purchase a free app. I just selected a free Solitaire game app to purchase. And it worked! I was able to purchase the app for free even though I still had not entered any debit/credit card info. I tried to purchase another one. That time I chose the Sudoku Free app. And it also downloaded fine without any payment information!

Before you get excited and try it yourself, I should warn people that I had told Amazon.COM about the problem of the Credit Card being required for free apps and the Amazon.COM person said they would look into it. So they might have made an exception just for me. If you have had the same problem with getting free apps without entering a credit card, please let us know if my experience is an isolated one or if Amazon.COM has indeed changed their payment policy for all users.

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