Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Update to "The End of Napster" entry

I wrote the last entry earlier today entitled "The End of Napster". In that entry I mentioned how Apple will be well off even without Steve Jobs as their spokesperson.

Well just a few minutes ago I learned on the news that Steve Jobs had just passed away according to Apple. I would like to let Steve Jobs' family know that I am sorry for their loss. I was not criticizing Steve Jobs in the last entry, but the fact that Apple has been and will be a dominant player in the online digital music industry for many years to come. And I would really like to see alternatives to Apple's offerings which are becoming harder and harder to find with the end of both Walmart and Napster's digital music service offerings.

I am asking for any major retailer or company to fill the void that is being left by the exits of Walmart and Best Buy from the digital music service business. We need more than just Amazon and Apple to obtain and listen to online music.

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