Monday, October 24, 2011

FOX brings back 2 old shows for November Sweeps

Remember "America's Most Wanted" and "30 Seconds to Fame"? FOX is bringing them both back in time for the November sweeps ratings period.

Now the bad news. First, "AMW" is back on this weekend only. It will probably disappear again until the February Sweeps period next year when it will only be shown once again. "30 Seconds to Fame" is back on Saturday nights for only a few weeks, and the episodes are the same repeats they showed earlier this year.

The good news about the "AMW" special this Saturday is that it will be an original 2 hour program and not a 2 hour repeat.

Maybe this is a sign that FOX might bring these 2 shows back with original episodes on a year round basis. Maybe they will also finally change their mind about canceling "Human Target" which should have not happened last season especially with the lower than expected numbers for "Terra Nova" and "The X Factor". The only problem is that Mark Valley has already moved on to starring in "Harry's Law" now, but they could probably get him again if they offered the right amount of money. Or they could always introduce a new Christopher Chance while keeping the old Winston and Guerrero on the show if Mark Valley is not available to come back.

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