Saturday, January 15, 2011

Good news for Human Target and FOX

I was going to blog about how disappointing it was that Human Target was being postponed from Wednesday to Friday this week on FOX due to the President's News Coverage in Arizona in prime time on the East Coast.

I just saw the number of viewers for the rescheduled Friday 2 hours of Human Target which is usually a low rated night. Human Target got over 4 Million viewers. It is rare for FOX on Friday nights to get over 3 Million viewers with regularly scheduled programming. This was a poorly last minute programming decision by FOX that clearly paid off by accident.

Human Target had to air on Friday since Wednesdays starting with next week were already scheduled for FOX's mega hit show American Idol. Human Target will not air the next new episode until Monday Jan. 31 at 8PM. So once again there is a new night for Human Target. But any show that can do well on a Friday night on FOX should be able to do decent numbers on other nights most of the time.

Now hopefully FOX will do the right thing and renew this show for a third season when they announce the new Fall 2011 schedule.

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