Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First video review of 2011 now on my YouTube channel

I have uploaded my first video of the new year to my YouTube channel, NATHANROADINWA. It is a video review of the OSN Digital Mini Tripod Model OS20.

This video is the season premiere of the second season of the NATHANROADINWA YouTube channel's Honest Video Review Series. It is a video review of the tripod that I purchased to use with my HD Video Camera. If you have watched most of my videos on YouTube, you will likely notice that I have created a newer looking and more High Definition or HD friendly title sequence for this season's video reviews.

I also want to mention that I have gotten at least a few comments about the music used during my reviews, and that those people don't like the music. Well I have been trying lately to keep the music to just the beginning and ending title screen parts. As for the quality of my music in my videos, I don't want to use commercial music since I do not know anyone who will allow me to use their music without paying a fee and I do not have the musical equipment or background to create music that feels very hip and current. So hopefully people viewing my videos will be able to tolerate my music.

Finally I want viewers of my videos to rate and let me know what you think about this video review and please check out the other video reviews and videos I have uploaded onto my NATHANROADINWA YouTube channel.

My YouTube channel is located here.

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