Monday, January 31, 2011

Why are some of my videos outdated?

I haven't posted on here in several days again. So I thought I would write about why some of my videos on my YouTube channel seem outdated.

1. Technology changes quickly sometimes. For example, after uploading my Western Digital Hard Drive review on YouTube, the same store I purchased it at which happened to be Best Buy, put the same hard drive on clearance and now sells the same hard drive supporting the new USB 3.0 as well as the common USB 2.0.

2. Some retailers such as Fred Meyer will seem to stop selling a product I review making it seem like the product is discontinued, and then they will put the item back on the shelf a few weeks later.

3. I try to record my videos with minimal background noise and better lighting conditions. But since I am in Washington State where it is cloudy almost everyday (or it seems like it anyways), I have to rely on indoor light bulbs that are not very bright, so I usually wind up waiting until there is silence and a lot of daylight which rarely happens these days.

and finally

4. It takes a while to do the editing and add the special effects to the videos.

So those are the main reasons why my videos may seem outdated sometimes. I will continue to try my best to get these videos out as soon as I can.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Will NBC show Biggest Loser redeem itself tonight?

Tonight, Biggest Loser is on before or after The State of The Union Address depending whether you are on the East or West Coast. Thankfully it will be only one hour long tonight. Why do I use the word thankfully?

The show this season has lost a lot of credibility. First it was the Unknown Trainers gimmick they did where they purposely tried to conceal the identity of the show's 2 new trainers this season. After a week since they finally revealed them, they are completely forgettable to me. I honestly can't even remember their first names as revealed on last week's episode.

But the weigh-in last week was really bad. The team made up of the two older male twins both gained 9 pounds each that week. Then they had the nerve to act like they didn't know anything about it. I have watched almost the entire run of this series and I have NEVER seen people GAIN that much weight on the show. It was so obvious these guys (who ironically are both police officers!) were throwing the weigh-in that week. No explanation was offered last week why the twin officers team threw it.

So I am hoping for a confession from the remaining guy who wasn't voted out during tonight's episode that they did indeed throw the weigh-in last week. So hopefully it will happen tonight.

But then something bad happened this morning during the Today Show. The eliminated twin came on and acted like they didn't know what caused the huge weight gain. Well Matt Lauer obviously doesn't watch The Biggest Loser, or he would have grilled him like a credible news reporter should have.

I would really appreciate before this season is over, that these 2 cops confess that they threw that weigh-in because they are sending bad messages to other people trying to lose weight. And as trusted public officials, they are also making kids think that it is OK to fib sometimes.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Honest Video Review of the Gigaware 4-Port Squid USB Hub is now on YouTube

Once again I have uploaded another video review in my Honest Video Review series. It is a review of the Gigaware Model 26-211 4-Port Modular USB 2.0 Squid Hub.

This is a video review of the USB 2.0 Hub I purchased to use with an Archos 32 Internet Tablet with the Archos 32 compatible host cable which I purchased online separately.

This USB Hub can also be used for computers such as PCs and Macs as well.

Please rate and let me know what you think about this review and look for the other reviews and videos I have uploaded onto my NATHANROADINWA YouTube channel.

To go to my YouTube channel, click here.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Detroit 1-8-7 not quite 1-8-7ed yet by ABC

Well it looks like Detroit 1-8-7 is pre-empted this week for ABC's 20/20 Special Edition about the Congresswoman from Arizona who was recently shot by that gunman in Arizona.

For those wanting to see the Detroit 1-8-7 episode that was scheduled for this Tuesday, you will not be able to see it next Tuesday either. That is because next Tuesday is the annual State of the Union address that President Obama will be giving this year.

Spoiler alert for Season Two of Detroit 1-8-7 below. DO NOT read the rest of this post if you don't want to know about Season Two.

In Season Two of Detroit 1-8-7, the show will likely not be renewed. So there will likely not be a second season. If you did read this even though you intended not to, sorry about ruining the ending for you. But you never know. ABC might just renew this show just like they did V, Supernanny, and Shark Tank.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Good news for Human Target and FOX

I was going to blog about how disappointing it was that Human Target was being postponed from Wednesday to Friday this week on FOX due to the President's News Coverage in Arizona in prime time on the East Coast.

I just saw the number of viewers for the rescheduled Friday 2 hours of Human Target which is usually a low rated night. Human Target got over 4 Million viewers. It is rare for FOX on Friday nights to get over 3 Million viewers with regularly scheduled programming. This was a poorly last minute programming decision by FOX that clearly paid off by accident.

Human Target had to air on Friday since Wednesdays starting with next week were already scheduled for FOX's mega hit show American Idol. Human Target will not air the next new episode until Monday Jan. 31 at 8PM. So once again there is a new night for Human Target. But any show that can do well on a Friday night on FOX should be able to do decent numbers on other nights most of the time.

Now hopefully FOX will do the right thing and renew this show for a third season when they announce the new Fall 2011 schedule.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First video review of 2011 now on my YouTube channel

I have uploaded my first video of the new year to my YouTube channel, NATHANROADINWA. It is a video review of the OSN Digital Mini Tripod Model OS20.

This video is the season premiere of the second season of the NATHANROADINWA YouTube channel's Honest Video Review Series. It is a video review of the tripod that I purchased to use with my HD Video Camera. If you have watched most of my videos on YouTube, you will likely notice that I have created a newer looking and more High Definition or HD friendly title sequence for this season's video reviews.

I also want to mention that I have gotten at least a few comments about the music used during my reviews, and that those people don't like the music. Well I have been trying lately to keep the music to just the beginning and ending title screen parts. As for the quality of my music in my videos, I don't want to use commercial music since I do not know anyone who will allow me to use their music without paying a fee and I do not have the musical equipment or background to create music that feels very hip and current. So hopefully people viewing my videos will be able to tolerate my music.

Finally I want viewers of my videos to rate and let me know what you think about this video review and please check out the other video reviews and videos I have uploaded onto my NATHANROADINWA YouTube channel.

My YouTube channel is located here.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Seahawks' upset and Arizona news

Today the Seattle Seahawks just beat the New Orleans Saints, last year's Super Bowl champions, in one of the biggest upsets in recent history. I didn't watch the game until the 4th Quarter. Seahawks at that point had a small lead. New Orleans looked like they were picking up yards on every single play of the game, yet they only managed a field goal. Meanwhile the Seahawks running game was going nowhere and many of the passes thrown were no good.

Well when the one running back for Seattle ran for all of those yards, I knew that was like an unexpected gift from the Saints that the Seahawks weren't expecting. There is no doubt the Seahawks were just trying to run out the clock by keeping the ball on the ground which was foolish with the small lead they had and with over 2 minutes on the clock.

Well the bottom line is a win is a win.

Now on to something much more serious. A congresswoman in Arizona was shot in the head today. Everyone seems to be pointing to an angry Tea Party person as the shooter. I don't care if it was a Republican, Democrat, Tea Party, etc. that fired the gun. There is no excuse for this kind of senseless violence. Let's hope that people will not judge this shooter as being a representative of a political party or movement and that this person is just someone who probably acted alone.

And hopefully this shooter does their time behind bars if they are found to be competent to stand trial and that the news media will not judge people based on this shooter's political ties.

I should be back posting early next week.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New year, same old morning shows

This is the first post for 2011. If you follow my blog, you know I am not happy with the way the network morning news shows are run.

Well already in 2011, NBC's Today show did the same trick on New Year's Day that I mentioned they did last year where they show a taped episode from a day or so earlier and then put in a few live news/weather spots to make the whole show appear to be a live broadcast. Good Morning America on ABC also did the same thing on New Year's Day by airing several segments recorded earlier in the week or month.

I would really appreciate it in the future if the networks are going to do this kind of program with mostly pre-recorded segments on New Year's Day or on other holidays that they mention it at the beginning and throughout the show that it is not live. News programs are supposed to be about reporting facts, not trying to intentionally mislead the public about when the interviews they are conducting actually happened.

Things are bad over at "The Early Show" on CBS too. Their new morning team is just totally bland to me. I don't see a breakout star in the bunch. I have to admit that Harry Smith is a much better fit than any of the four they have now. Even Julie Chen is a much better fit than any of them. All 4 of the new people look like they should be substitutes or weekend anchors and do not look like they belong on Weekday morning network TV news programs which focus mostly on entertainment than news these days.

Hopefully, morning news programs will get better in 2011. We will have to wait and see.