Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Time is running out to vote!

Today is Nov. 2, which happens to be Election Day this year. I have just voted. For those who are registered to vote and haven't voted yet, you still have a few hours here on the West Coast to vote and you may still have an hour or two left on the East Coast to vote.

I want to remind people that I have made 3 videos about R-52 and Initiative 1107 under the Confusing Olympia series which are all on my YouTube channel. Click on this to go to my YouTube page. The videos are located under Downloads and then scroll down to the Confusing Olympia videos.

I gave my opinion at the end of these videos, but feel free to vote the way you want. I am presenting these Confusing Olympia videos to better inform people on the issues, not to force people to vote a certain way.

I would have liked to have covered more issues, but I just simply didn't get around to covering them.

Last I want to remind people to please rate my Confusing Olympia videos and the rest of my YouTube videos after you watch them.

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