Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Finally some really good news from Western Digital

As you can probably tell from watching and reading my product reviews, I tend to be negative on a lot of products and companies. Well for once I have some good news to report about a product that I have covered in a few of my Tech Confusion videos.

After Western Digital put out a new firmware recently which lacked any major new features to the WDTV Live Plus, they just made a major announcement this week.

The announcement is that the WDTV Live and Live Plus machines will soon be able to access Facebook, AccuWeather, Blockbuster, Flingo, and a few other online services. This should make up for that disappointing firmware they just released for the WDTV Live Plus as long as the services that are usually free online like Facebook are available for free through the WDTV like YouTube currently is.

Finally a change we can believe in! I sure hope if happens very soon.

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