Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Tech Confusion videos about Temporary Sync Files and Logitech Desktop Messenger now on YouTube

Once again I want to thank all of those people who helped me reach over 5,000 total views between all of my YouTube videos on my NATHANROADINWA channel.

I have recently uploaded 2 more editions of my Tech Confusion video series. They are called "Tech Confusion: Trying to figure out if the Logitech Desktop Messenger software is necessary" and "Tech Confusion: Determining if Temporary Sync Files stored on a hard drive can be deleted".

Both videos show me talking about what the functions of certain programs or files are and whether you should leave them on your PC's hard drive.

Please rate and let me know what you think about these videos and look for the other videos I have done on my NATHANROADINWA YouTube channel.

Click on this to go to my NATHANROADINWA YouTube channel.

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