Saturday, October 16, 2010

Two new Confusing Olympia videos now on my YouTube Channel Page

I have recently uploaded 2 new videos, "Confusing Olympia: Initiative 1107 Arguments" and "Confusing Olympia: Referendum 52 Arguments" to my YouTube Channel page NATHANROADINWA which is located at HTTP://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/NATHANROADINWA.

In both videos I discuss the arguments each side makes for that political issue and try to explain what is the truth and lies that they made in their arguments. Both of these issues deal with the recent bottled water tax passed here in Washington State which I briefly mentioned in the "Confusing Olympia: The Candy Tax" video I made back in June.

I want to mention that both of these new videos contain a couple of scary Halloween-type scenes and viewing these 2 videos in front of young preschool age kids is not recommended.

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