Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sadly, more personal spending cuts on the way

Well I got a little bit of good news. I now will have more time to post on this blog for now.

Now for a ton of bad news. I was laid off the earliest I have been in many years. I was hoping to work a lot longer because I really needed to get rid of my current car which has been damaged a couple of times in accidents which neither were caused by me. I only made around $4000 this year in gross pay. Even if I used that entire amount towards the purchase of a used car, I would have no money to spend on food, clothing, etc. My last check will probably be only $100 at most which would only be enough for the gas for like a month or so to drive the vehicle I am driving now.

To make matters worse, I will not even be able to go to store as often that I regularly go to which is Fred Meyer which was near where I worked so I could stop their frequently after I got done working. And I have family members who rely on me to buy their groceries for them. Now I have to make a long special trip to go to Fred Meyer if I want to shop there.

I already made the decision that I won't accept Unemployment Compensation because I feel it would be wrong to accept money when I am unemployed as often as I am. Unemployment Compensation should be for short-term unemployment periods. It shouldn't be a way of life in my opinion. Since I am out of work until well into next year, this is not a short-term situation.

So the bottom line is don't expect any reviews of anything brand new on the market anytime soon on my NATHANROADINWA channel on YouTube as I can't afford anything expensive right now, and I am not compensated for any blog entries or reviews or YouTube videos or even my Podcast comments on Marc Berman's Programming Insider podcast.

It is just going to be a long Fall and Winter for me this year.

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