Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A major family entertainment company may be last hope for Daytime Soaps

Yesterday it was announced "As The World Turns" would end in the near future on CBS. CBS just got rid of "Guiding Light" this year. That will leave 3 soaps on ABC, 2 on CBS, and only one on NBC.

You are probably wondering why a male is blogging about daytime soap operas. It is not because I am gay or because I watch them, but because of the ironic path that the Soap Opera industry is headed in in my opinion.

CBS will likely cancel "Bold and the Beautiful" within the next couple of years, and with the very recent change of ownership of NBC from GE to Comcast that has not yet been completed, "Days of our Lives", NBC's last soap could very well get axed.

That will leave just "Young and the Restless" on CBS, and 3 soaps on ABC.

This is where the irony occurs. ABC will have all but one of the daytime soaps. And guess who owns ABC in case some of you haven't figured it out with all the Disney themed shows on that network. Disney!!

So next time we think of Disney as a family entertainment company, don't forget about the fact that they are the only company really carrying on the daytime soap opera legacy.

If anyone has any comments about this feel free to post them here.

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