Thursday, December 10, 2009

An Honest Review of Memorex Customer Service Phone Lines

Yes you read the title right. This is not a product review this time. Instead I am going to review Memorex's Customer Service Lines. I called 1-800-919-3647, the number featured on a paper that came with one of their products, and got a message saying I would have to wait a minute before getting a live person. Well the line went silent. No music like many other phone lines that put you on hold. I waited about 25 minutes and just hung up.

So I found a second phone number for Memorex's Customer Service online, 1-877-363-6673. I called up this number and was told about a 2-3 minute wait and this time music was playing while I was waiting so I felt like they knew I was waiting this time. Then a minute or so later the wait is announced as a 3-4 minutes wait now and the music stops shortly after that. After 3 or 4 minutes of silence I decided no one was going to answer and hung up again.

I redialed the 1-877-363-6673 number again. But this time I seemed to get a representative within a minute or two. I told him why I called and I started to ask a simple question about whether something was normal for a particular model. He put me on hold for a minute or two and then gives me a reference number to keep track of the situation. I asked him about a few other things wrong with the Memorex product I was calling about and could tell he could not give me any useful information so I just told him thanks for the help and hung up.

So the grade for Memorex Customer Service is a F. This is way beyond the typical bad customer service to have to wait for minutes of silence not knowing if a customer service person knew you were waiting. In addition the knowledge and trouble understanding the representative was typical of a bad support line. Also embarrassing is the fact that I got right through the third time which means some people are just being put on hold for no reason at all while other callers who just keep dialing numbers get through faster without waiting in line like I had to do.

I would think twice about buying anything containing electronic parts from Memorex and just stick to the blank CD/DVD Media and labels and sleeves for this company since their customer service is beyond the typical bad service.

Anyone have any experiences with Memorex's Customer Service? Please feel free to comment about them.

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