Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sadly A True Story

I cannot start a second topic yet because of a true story that happened yesterday after posting my first topic.

Here it goes.

After a few hours of noticing no one commenting on my blog, I decided to use the Random blog link on Blogger to see what pages would come up. After looking at a few blog pages that came up, I clicked on the link again. And guess what the blog was talking about?

SAFEWAY and their new lower prices throughout the store!!!

It was written by a young woman here in Washington State with 2 little boys. The name of the blogger was Maygan and the name of the blog was Maybefrugal. The Blog is Maybefrugal.Blogspot.COM

Well I just thought it was interesting that I came across this blog since my first post in my blog was about Safeway.

So I decided that it would be interesting to let this person know this and give her a link to my blog to let her read my blog about Safeway. So I posted a comment after her blog story on Safeway's lower prices.

The next morning I get on the internet to check her blog to see if anyone commented on what I wrote on her comments section.

When I looked for my comments this morning, my comment was gone!!

Obviously this woman has little respect for people who don't get on the Safeway bandwagon. She was afraid of the truth. And this is just a person who shops at Safeway. I hate to imagine what Safeway the big Corporation would do to shut someone up like me who just brings up an interesting point.

Again feel free to comment. I don't even care if it is Maygan who responds to this post herself. I would love to see someone comment on here that I am basically calling out as a coward.

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