Monday, November 2, 2009

Update on Maybefrugal blog

I feel it is extremely important to give an update on this "Maybefrugal" blog that I mentioned in my last post. So still no new topic.

It turns out that that the story on the Maybefrugal blog I posted comments to has over 100 comments. Surprisingly not one comment appears to be negative towards Safeway. I have a pretty good feeling that this blogger Maygan is deliberately deleting any negative posts about Safeway.

What is worse is the admission in her blog in a more recent post that Safeway sent her a $250 Gift Card to check out their store's new lower prices. So Safeway is likely paying her off to blog good things about their store. Highly unethical if not illegal. Because I don't believe Safeway could afford to hand out many $250 Gift Cards to people or they wouldn't be making any money.

This blog was not originally intended to be a criticism blog of retailers but if I keep finding evidence of this kind of stuff going on, I am going to report it on this blog. People have a right to know if someone they meet on the internet are being paid off by a certain retailer or if a certain retailer is trying to undermine the government.

Again feel free to comment your opinions.

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