Friday, July 16, 2010

Major announcement: My videos are now being uploaded to YouTube!

I apologize for the long delay between posts. I have an announcement. I am uploading my videos featured on this blog to YouTube. I have already uploaded the Candy Tax video and my first review video so far, and I will upload the other videos within the next few days. The only exception might be the Philco Converter Box review because YouTube has a 10 minute limit and that one was a little over 10 minutes long. If I can split the video, I will include that one too on my YouTube channel.

In case you are wondering if this is the end of the blog itself, it is not at least for the near future. One of the reasons I want to upload these videos to YouTube is that I will have a larger audience since YouTube videos are available through many devices which have Internet connectivity but not a full Internet connection such as the Sony Dash or the WDTV media players. My blog is only available to mainly those with computers and not to people who do not have computers or people using mobile devices. And with the growing popularity of Facebook and Twitter, Blogger is not getting as much Internet traffic these days.

So if you are reading this, tell me if you think putting my videos on YouTube is a good or bad idea.

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