Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I-90 news & Kroger/Fred Meyer news

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted.

First off, if you are planning on traveling on I-90 between Western and Eastern Washington expect an hour (maybe longer) delay tonight (Tuesday night) around 8PM. They are going to close the main freeway connecting the west and east parts of the state to blast away some rocks as part of a Freeway construction project.

Second I want to mention that Kroger has recalled some of their chocolate ice cream because of unlisted tree nuts that weren't in the ice cream ingredients listing. The states that have Fred Meyers instead of Kroger such as Washington state are NOT affected by the recall to my knowledge.

I have some bad news on the video reviews. My cheap Vivitar camera accidentally got dropped a few feet on the ground and the fall caused the screw in the battery door to not function properly. Because I couldn't get the battery door open without likely breaking it open, I returned it and got a cheap camcorder from Fred Meyer in its place. Unfortunately the camcorder is most likely going back to the store as well. I might review it on here in the near future if I get the time and resources to put the review together.

Finally on a positive note, Fred Meyer is going to have a 2 day sale this weekend with their savings certificate and will have Father's Day activities this Saturday during most of the day.

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