Tuesday, June 29, 2010

AMAZON.COM currently messed up!

It appears AMAZON.COM is messed up. Many items' links and other pages are not working or not loading correctly. I had a $1 MP3 Credit I may have to forfeit because it is no good after this month. I guess that will teach me to not wait until the last minute to apply my $1 credit next time. Oh well, that is life!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Confusing Olympia: Candy Tax Video

This is a video I made to "educate" people about the confusing new sales tax law that went into effect at the beginning of June.

I used a Flip Ultra HD Video Camera to record the video footage for this video. However, the footage uploaded here is not in HD. Maybe in a future post or video I will explain why.

If you have any comments about this video or find any inaccuracies in this video, please let me know. It should be mostly correct.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

An Honest Video Review of the Cobra Digital DVC955 Video Camera

This is a video review of a cheap camcorder I bought to replace my Vivitar Vivicam 15 after I returned it to the store. The Vivitar Vivicam 15 was a nice camera but unfortunately the battery door broke on it. I "outgrew" the Vivitar Vivicam 15 camera because I wanted a camera that did both photos and videos with sound.

So I bought this camcorder only to have problems getting it to work, so this video camera went back to the store as well.

Please let me know what you think of the Cobra Digital DVC955 Video Review.

Note: The thing in the bottom right hand corner lets you switch to Full Screen Video if the video is too small for you to see. I think Blogger just added that feature to the videos on this blog because I never noticed it being there before.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I-90 news & Kroger/Fred Meyer news

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted.

First off, if you are planning on traveling on I-90 between Western and Eastern Washington expect an hour (maybe longer) delay tonight (Tuesday night) around 8PM. They are going to close the main freeway connecting the west and east parts of the state to blast away some rocks as part of a Freeway construction project.

Second I want to mention that Kroger has recalled some of their chocolate ice cream because of unlisted tree nuts that weren't in the ice cream ingredients listing. The states that have Fred Meyers instead of Kroger such as Washington state are NOT affected by the recall to my knowledge.

I have some bad news on the video reviews. My cheap Vivitar camera accidentally got dropped a few feet on the ground and the fall caused the screw in the battery door to not function properly. Because I couldn't get the battery door open without likely breaking it open, I returned it and got a cheap camcorder from Fred Meyer in its place. Unfortunately the camcorder is most likely going back to the store as well. I might review it on here in the near future if I get the time and resources to put the review together.

Finally on a positive note, Fred Meyer is going to have a 2 day sale this weekend with their savings certificate and will have Father's Day activities this Saturday during most of the day.

Monday, June 7, 2010

An Honest Video Review of Innovative Technology Wireless Headphones ITHW-858

This is another one of my video reviews. It will probably be the last one for at least a while as I am considering doing other projects in the very near future unless of course I find a product that I really like or hate so much that I want to do a review of it right away.

Please let me know what you think of this video review of the Innovative Technology brand wireless headphones.

Mural-in-a-Day event in Toppenish, WA

After going to the Dino-in-a-Day event down in Granger, WA, I traveled to Toppenish, WA to see the Mural-in-a-Day event. As you can see in the photos below, they were almost done with the mural.

Now in the photo above, you can see some of the fruits grown in that region of Washington State such as cherries, peaches, and pears which they were still painting the pears part. There is also a mountain in the mural, which Washington State has at least 3 that can be seen from many miles away.

This above is a picture taken a short time later of the left hand side of the mural.

And finally this is a picture taken of the right hand side of the mural. This event took place at a local park in Toppenish, but I think the mural will be moved to a building somewhere in town or else repainted somewhere on a building downtown.

Dino-in-a-Day Event in Granger, WA

I went to Granger, WA this Saturday to see their Dino-in-a-Day Event. It was at Hisey Park which is on the edge of town. In this photo above, you can see the lake and there is a waterfall type thing where the mound looking thing is in the lake. Between the tree and the waterfall thing in the distance is a dinosaur that sits in the lake, but it is very difficult to see in this photo.

This is Granger's new outdoor Ampitheatre that they just finished constructing which is right next to the lake at Hisey Park.

This is Granger's Dino Store which is usually open during the warmer months, but it was actually closed on Dino-in-a-Day when I was there!! Sad considering that dinosaurs are their main city theme.

Above is the new dinosaur they created during Dino-in-a-Day after it was completed since it was already completed when I got there. They have local people put on plaster or some kind of material over the wire frames of the dinosaur. The wire frame of the dinosaur was already constructed sometime earlier during the year. The final result actually looks real for a dinosaur.

Finally, here is another picture of the dinosaur created for the Dino-in-a-Day event this year at a distance.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Photos of Zillah, WA Part Two

This is the Teapot Gas Station that has been around for many years. They stopped selling gas there a few years back from what I recall. There were rumors that they were going to move this landmark into the main part of Zillah and use it as a tourist center for the town. Since I don't visit Zillah much these days I have no idea if they are still planning on doing that.

And here is just another shot of downtown Zillah. It is kind of dark because the Vivitar ViviCam 15 digital camera I reviewed doesn't have a flash and it was kind of a cloudy day in Zillah on Memorial Day.

Memorial Day Photos of Zillah, WA Part One

Here are some photos of a little town called Zillah I used to visit frequently as a kid. I was in Zillah for a free breakfast on Memorial Day at a new church building there. These photos were all taken with the Vivitar ViviCam 15 digital camera I reviewed in yesterday's post.

This picture above is of the Old Warehouse, which sells furniture I believe. They had a little replica of the Teapot Gas Station that Zillah is well known for, but it is very difficult to see in this photo. It is on top of the building on the right side of the picture near the tree.

Pictured above is downtown Zillah. It is a little hard to see in these photos, but they had flags out along the streets of downtown for Memorial Day.

Above is the outskirts of Zillah. There are a lot of orchards and farms just outside of the city limits.

This above is a picture I took at the free breakfast they had on Memorial Day at the new church building in Zillah. The new church has a picnic area and a large field for playing Baseball and other sports. The flag was put up by the local Scouts. And they had a little Memorial Day program after the free breakfast.

Continued in next post.