Thursday, February 11, 2010

Why no new posts in many days?

In one word, LIFE!!!

Recently a relative of mine who passed away not too long ago had their house broken into. What is really sad about the situation is that the Police seem to have no motivation to catch the thieves. What is even sadder is the fact that the thief or probably thieves live within a block or two of the theft. But the Police just can't go door to door and search every house in that neighborhood.

The place where this relative of mine lived is becoming more and more typical for that part of the state: Overrun with Hispanic families moving into the neighborhood who have young kids joining Hispanic gangs. I fear that my neighborhood will suffer the same fate as the Hispanics increase in population in this country.

What can be done about the problem? If I think of a viable solution I will let everyone know. Be back sometime soon I hope.

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