Friday, January 1, 2010

NBC News already a disgrace in 2010 with "Today Show"

Happy New Year!!

I didn't expect to be blogging this soon into the new year, but NBC News has already proven in 2010 that they are constantly trying to fool the viewer into thinking their Today show is live or a same-day taping for us people in the Western United States.

I could tell within 15 minutes at most that today's show was taped some time ago and it is an insult for a news organization that people are supposed to be able to trust with facts, and not predictions presented as facts such as everyone celebrating on Times Square which was an event that NBC knew days ago in advance would happen.

I don't need to really go into details why I know for a fact that Jan. 1 episode of the Today was taped a previous day. Al Roker being on the Today Show in NY and then being on the Tournament of Roses Parade in CA the very same morning should be proof enough that the Jan. 1 Today show was taped. There is no possible way he could have gone 2500+ miles in under 4 hours. Plus the fact there was absolutely no mention on the Today Show that Roker had to catch a plane to California that morning.

I am sorry to say most critics who should be slamming NBC News for their decision of putting the Pre-taped Previous day Today Show and presenting it with the appearance of being live that day will probably turn a blind eye to this embarrassing event.

Where's Bill O'Reilly, Laura Ingrahm, Rush Limbaugh, Al Franken, Chris Matthews, etc. when you need them to point out and expose this shameful act by NBC News? And why should the morning's number one TV show have to pull a stunt like this in the first place? They are in little if any danger at all of falling to number two.

Hopefully 2010 will get better than this.

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