Monday, February 6, 2012 opening Washington State Retail Location???

There is a story floating around since this morning that Amazon.COM is planning to open a retail store right here in the State of Washington. The retail store is supposedly going to be a small store that carries mostly e-reader related items such as Kindle devices and accessories.

What does this mean?

The answer is we don't know yet what this means exactly.

If they do open a store here in Washington State, they will be facing a lot of competition: Walmart, K-Mart, Target, Fred Meyer, and Best Buy to name a few.

The only advantages to having a physical location to purchase from would likely be Black Friday promotions and sales to draw more interest to the Amazon and Kindle brands and the ability to shop for last minute gifts where even one day shipping would be too late to get to the buyer on time.

My first reaction would be that this doesn't sound like a great idea to open a physical store. But with the U.S. Postal Service's new slower delivery times coming very soon, this might actually be a good idea.

It should be interesting to see if this retail store idea makes it past the planning stages. We will all have to just stay tuned for now!

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