Thursday, March 31, 2011

Where I have been...

To those wondering what happened to me in recent weeks, I kind of took a break from the blog and the videos. This is partly due to a recent passing of a very close family member. I had some personal stuff I wanted to take care of around that time too, so I decided to take a longer absence from the blog and my YouTube videos.

There are still things that I want to try to start taking care of now, so I will continue to have long gaps between videos and blog postings. So I hope all of my loyal followers will continue to be patient with me over the next several weeks.

Important note: This post is NOT an April Fool's joke. However, I want to make clear right now that I do indeed plan on posting April Fool's Day type jokes this year and in the future. So you have been warned!!

And finally I want to mention that some of the upcoming videos may feel a little outdated since I am running this blog and the NATHANROADINWA YouTube channel by myself right now. I will try to post the most relevant stuff I can under my circumstances.

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